The White Tiger is a gripping and darkly humorous novel by Aravind Adiga that won the Booker Prize in 2008. It is now a major Netflix film starring Priyanka Chopra and Rajkumar Rao. The story follows Balram Halwai, an ambitious servant from a small Indian village who is determined to escape his impoverished life.
As the son of a rickshaw puller, Balram’s life takes a dramatic turn when he is hired as a chauffeur for a wealthy landlord’s family. This opportunity exposes him to the stark contrasts between the opulence of Delhi and the harsh realities of his own origins. Balram’s journey is a complex exploration of class, ambition, and moral ambiguity, portraying his rise from servitude to becoming an entrepreneur.
The narrative delves into the darker aspects of social mobility and the cost of success, encapsulating the tale of two Indias—one rich and powerful, the other poor and oppressed. Through Balram’s story, the novel critiques the social and economic inequalities in India with a blend of irreverent humor and sharp insight.
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