Escape into the enchanting world of Hogwarts with the series that has captivated readers young and old, sparking a lifelong love of reading for families across the globe. The journey begins here. Harry Potter knows nothing of Hogwarts when mysterious letters start arriving at number four, Privet Drive. Written in green ink on yellowish parchment with a purple seal, the letters are quickly hidden by his harsh aunt and uncle. But on Harry’s eleventh birthday, a towering, beetle-eyed giant named Rubeus Hagrid crashes into his life with startling news: Harry Potter is a wizard and has a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
These special editions of the internationally beloved Harry Potter series feature stunning cover art by award-winning illustrator Jonny Duddle. Perfect for new readers ready to dive into the greatest children’s story of all time, the magic truly begins here!
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